bully *teen's creative version*

like all teenagers..
ones in a while, the creativity in us boost up
and we just have magnificent ideas
such as sticking post-it notes on our friends back!
okay.. this may seem like bullying
and if u think that bullying is bad..
think again!

i have done lots of research about it ..
it was for my communication presentation actually
let me share a lil here
1. as u all know bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others. It can be physical, verbal, relational and even all three together.
Lets get to the point here
2. Bullying makes u more independent over time
3. you can stand on ur own feet (no need of groupies)
4. It makes u tougher as in u don't give up easily in other words stronger in life
5. you are more Brave!
6. even able to handle difficult events in the future

Still not convinced?
look at Susan Margarate Boyle!
she is a life example mind you
a frumpy appearance, bullied as a child, given loads of nicknames such as "Susie Simple", over came everything and took part in Britain's Got Talent Show in 2009 and now manage to get the most successful musical debut! LOOK AT THAT!!

Still not convinced??
Tom Cruise!
i am sure u all know about his story.
He was bullied, beaten by his dad, had dyslexia (learning difficulties) and even had rumours bout his sexuality but now? 3 Academy Award Nominations!!

loads more but yeah.. check it out yourself

and if u had been bullied before, i am sure u have notice the changes in yourself.
and its how you look at it!

as i was saying,
the teenagers mind gets creative and here it goes!

well.. i wouldn't say he is bullied cos we took it out as soon as class ended

it states "Hit Me" btw

that is not intended. the post-it note just slipped down and he just sat on it and yeah.. there it goes

and.. the culprit behind it
*all taken during communication presentation was in process*
yeah.. some presentation were that boring
don't blame us..
we are just KIDS!
PS. Naz (the guy in the pic with the post-it on his back) still doesn't know we did that *hehe*
we aint bad.. just a lil naughty
[brat case]


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