Hello to my 20 year old self


As I was sitting on the couch in the living room, I decided to revisit chrisy-mania and found the heart-filled posts pages after pages. Here I am wondering what made me stop writing, pursuing what I love most.

Since young, I have an intense love for writing. I love poetries, quotes and reading. But what happened?

It has been 6.5 years since I last wrote something I was passionate in.
It has been 6.5 years since my life changed.

While reading the posts, I noticed how I was a little girl (although the fact that I was technically a teenager) at that time. The world was a good place, a place where no one could put me down, I had my confidence up, and I always tried to think positive.

So, here I am, about to write to my 20 year old self (who just celebrated her birthday - according to her latest post).

Hi 20 year old, me.

It is a pleasure to see how you've grown up to be and you are beautiful. Don't ever let anyone put you down, and believe in yourself. What others say doesn't matter, even if he is your boyfriend.

If the man doesn't make you a better person, leave. Sometimes, you don't have to believe that there is something good in every person you meet. People can be cruel and they can hurt you, and I do not want that to happen to you.

Remember how you were alone at midnight on your 20th birthday? Next year, you will have a party with your friends at Northbridge and the following year, they will be at your house at midnight - and they will sing Happy Birthday while playing a Ukulele. Don't worry, things will get better. :)

Sometimes things will not go as planned, but hey! just let it go and move on.

Hi 20 year old, me.

I'm now 26 and I thank you for not giving up. For hanging on through the tough times, when you felt like life doesn't matter. I thank you for not ending it even when you had no one you could talk to because every around you thought you were the happiest child. I admire you.

Most importantly, I thank you always thinking that there is hope.

You will grow up to be me, 26, in KL, and you will pay your bills on time and have a career.

Just to let you know that you will be a manager at 24.5 years old, with a boyfriend name Nelson, and hopefully, just hopefully, God will guide and protect the both of you to be better persons together.

And this is how you will look ..

Love, Christina


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