whats happening to us

... its a Saturday morning 
lazing around, still in bed.
with pillows all around me
its the time of day i feel 
as though i am in the second world

did i just say second world?

as though i know if there is a second world
IF there was a second world
i wish
it would be like heaven
not that i know how heaven is
but it should be peaceful
filled with love

is there a meaning behind all the natural disasters?
especially floods
typhoons, landslides

and yet people are killing one another in wars

ain't there enough people dead already?
or will there be another Noah's ark?

Shouldn't humans think that its time to stop cruelty?
it does no one any good!!

it might be just too late when we realise what has happened

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now


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