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Hello to my 20 year old self

Hello. As I was sitting on the couch in the living room, I decided to revisit chrisy-mania and found the heart-filled posts pages after pages. Here I am wondering what made me stop writing, pursuing what I love most. Since young, I have an intense love for writing. I love poetries, quotes and reading. But what happened? It has been 6.5 years since I last wrote something I was passionate in. It has been 6.5 years since my life changed. While reading the posts, I noticed how I was a little girl (although the fact that I was technically a teenager) at that time. The world was a good place, a place where no one could put me down, I had my confidence up, and I always tried to think positive. So, here I am, about to write to my 20 year old self (who just celebrated her birthday - according to her latest post). Hi 20 year old, me. It is a pleasure to see how you've grown up to be and you are beautiful. Don't ever let anyone put you down, and believe in yourself. What ot...

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