Is 2012 really going to be the END OF THE WORLD?

Party like, like it's the end of the world, We gonna party like, like it's 2012 - Jay Sean

Question : Is it really gonna be the END of the World in 2012. well, according to Jay Sean, It is!!


but... wait a minute.

are you sure its gonna be THE END?

Honestly, no one actually knows. people just go all panic-y when they hear those letters which goes two zero one two and well, if it wasn't for the movie 2012, a 2 hour 38 min movie directed by Roland Emmerich, the majority of the society wouldn't even know about the 'mayan calender'!

one thing is for sure, viewers got confused over the whole 2012 movie thing and brought it to reality which freaked many of people out And many researchers / scientists started studying 2012 because of that. According to my friends, some 'insane' people even commited suicide when they found out the world is going to end in 2012 - which is like.. Next year? OMG

well, others believe that there are too many natural disasters which are happening around the world today. Generally speaking, 100 years ago, times of our great grandparents, there were 'many' natural disasters too! it is just not that publicised as there wasn't new media in which the information can reach in a blink of an eye. and... Obviously as time passes, natural disasters add to the 'total number of disasters' and this increases in number. Maybe you could argue on the frequency and tendency. that i wouldn't mind but saying the world is going to END in 2012? that is just out of the mind!

it is not that I'm not trying to think out of the box or anything, but come on.. even with the most scientific research, prove of some calender written years ago, or maybe tarot card reading? , you can not define when the world is going to end as it is all in God's hand. the creator of everything, the alpha and the omega.

Even if you do not believe in God, well, i know many people now don't, do you want to live everyday thinking that you are going to die tomorrow or 2012? imagine living your life in fear or spending all your earnings and savings as you know there is no future ahead of 2012. might be heaps of fun now but what if, what if it is Not the end of the world in 2012. Let me honestly warn you that you are going to live in regret. imagine wasting the whole 2011 worrying or being a beggar when 2013 arrives. WOW

and now.. Jay Sean, lets see if your fan's will laugh at your song when 2013 comes!

to top it up, here's something i found while researching about the whole 21st December of 2012 'thing',

1. Planetary alignments: There aren't any.

2. Alignment of Sun with centre of galaxy: Can't happen because the centre of the galaxy is not in the plane of the Earth's orbit.

3. Once in 26,000 year alignment of the solstice sun and galactic equator: Happened in 1998. Did anything happen as a result? Of course not. Alignments mean nothing in measurable physical terms anyway.

4. Passing of the Solar System through the galactic central plane: Won't happen for 30 million years or so.

5. Planet X/Nibiru: Doesn't exist. If it was the size the claimants describe and following the trajectory they indicate, it would now be visible to anybody with a pair of binoculars.

6. Pole shift: Magnetic pole reversal takes thousands of years and may not start for thousands of years. There is no reason to link it with 2012. As for rotational pole shift, that would take a huge amount of force on the earth. Where is this force going to come from?

7. Solar storms: The Sun is due to reach a maximum in its 11 year cycle in 2013, not 2012 as some doom merchants tell you. No reason to suppose the next peak will be any more energetic than normal.

8. 26,000 year precessional movement of Earth's axis: Doesn't 'begin', 'end' or 'wobble' but carries on smoothly and unnoticed by all.

Let me repeat, If 2012 is really the end of the world to what you believe and still do, then let it be. However, don't live like it's the end of the world next year cos if it isn't, you will be a proven Dumbarse by the end of 2012. - no offence



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